3D modeling of Historical timespaces
An interactive visualization of the theory presented in the book: Historical Consciousness: Cognitive and Metacognitive Reflections by Professor Apostolos Spanos.
About the project
The project “3D modeling of historical timespaces” is one of the activities of the Digital History Lab at the University of Agder. The lab aims at utilizing and developing cutting-edge digital technologies related to both studying and teaching history. It also aims at supporting historians and scientists in other disciplines based on the use of historical evidence and data.
The lab’s main areas of interest are: AI in studying and teaching history; Simulation modelling in studying and teaching history; 3D modelling in studying and teaching history; Immersive technology, augmented reality, and history; Big data in studying and teaching history; GIS in studying and teaching history; Development of digital games suitable for teaching history; Teacher training in using digital technologies in history teaching.
The main vision of the Digital History Lab is the co-creation of knowledge by faculty, graduate and undergraduate students from various faculties, universities, and research centers. An aim related to this vision is the cooperation of students from different faculties (and hopefully from different universities) in common projects, under the supervision of colleagues with varying fields of specialty.
The project is financed by the University of Agder.

Developed by
The text content and theory has been developed by Professor Apostolos Spanos. The visualization, layout and web development has been created as part of the bachelor’s project Interactive 3D-visualization of history theory for web by Sondre Moldskred Netteland and Marthe Flaarønning Bøhmer at the University of Agder.

Apostolos Spanos

Sondre Netteland
Web developer

Marthe Bøhmer
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